GenCon PCs – Escape from Coruscant

Still working on the PCs for my first GenCon adventure. System. I’ve settled on Savage Worlds. I was seduced by a Star Wars/Dungeon World hack that came out last week, but ultimately Savage Worlds won out. I think it was the ease of making the PCs and the pre-made zombies. Also, I have heard that […]

Wednesday Update

Back from the Holidays and ready for more updating. This is update 7. Tuesday Gaming Had a large group for Dungeon World last night. The party had finished with the choice of gods from the last chapter and was now looking for what was going to happen next. I over prepared for combat, which means […]

GenCon Scenario

Yes I missed my Wednesday update. I was preparing for missing posts due to Christmas and New Years? I know, lame. A couple days ago I got a holiday email from my good friends at GenCon. I love GenCon. It’s so nice to be surrounded by so many that feel the same way about so […]

Wednesday Update

Six in a row, almost feels like a habit. Holidays coming up and both on Wednesday – go figure. No Tuesday gaming, but did get together with friends on Saturday night to game and drink. Pretty much equal portions of both. Played in the end of a Savage Worlds game, and started an Edge of […]

Wednesday Update

Update number five. W00t. Standard geeky week. Game Production Still working. Added some monsters to the front. Deep dwarves and their zombies. Slow, steady. Tuesday Gaming More Savage Worlds. Dave did an extra good job of making terrain and minis. It’s awesome playing with an architect. Gaming this Saturday. Going to run a Star Wars […]

Maps and Narrative Play

I got a jump start on my new years resolutions and started cleaning out my gaming stuff this weekend. One of the things that struck me was the number and variety of maps ( and map pieces and tiles) that I have. The most interesting thing is that I have been playing narrative “mapless” games […]

Wednesday Update

Update number four. Almost a habit. Not a very geeky week. No GMing, so no prep for the Dungeon World game. Game Production Front is one third done. Needs more editing. May have two pages because of the monster stats. New monsters including varieties of Kobolds, and new Deep Dwarves. No new moves (so far). […]

Addicted to Kickstarter

Hi my name is Derick and I’m addicted to Kickstarter. It’s been 3 days since I supported a project…hang on..I just need to see if that final stretch goal gets met…it’s really cool, and the campaign is almost over…. Does this sound like you? It isn’t really me, but I may be headed there. I’m […]

Wednesday Update

It’s still Wednesday – three in a row. Tuesday Gaming: Completed the next section of Dungeon World game, Angry Gods and Dragons. Still trying to get the PCs to be more descriptive and narrative. Hard. Trying not to speak the names of the moves, but it is still hard for the PCs to not just […]

Edge of the Empire

I’ve both played and GM’d Edge of the Empire over the last few months. It started with winning a contest for the Carpe GM podcast. I got a copy of the Star Wars Beginner Game from Fantasy Flight and played it with my sons, We had a great time. They picked up on the dice […]