Weekly GMing – Your PC can do What!

In last nights game the PCs finally got into a limited amount of combat. Their first combat after leveling up to 8th. Welcome to the hell that is GMing a monk. Already the speediest character (50 feet!) he can now manipulate large areas of ice or water as an action up to 8 times (refreshed […]

Weekly GMing – Late Players

Another week with everyone in person, just arriving at different times. It’s common for folks to all arrive within about 30 minutes. Our group eats dinner before playing so there’s always time for talking and catching up before we play. However, for the next few months there is one player that can’t arrive until we […]

Weekly GMing – A Party In Person

It doesn’t really matter how much you prepare, the party will do something else. -Every GM Ever I over prepared. My fault for thinking that folks would make decisions and move things forward. Regardless, much fun was had. Very interesting having players around the table versus over Google Hangouts. We had nearly the same type […]

Weekly GMing – Waterdeep and Google Hangouts

What GM doesn’t love a good curveball the day you start GMing? The email came out first thing the morning of the game – how about trying to use Google Hangouts because not everyone could physically be there. Not a problem (except for the large crockpot of chili cooking on my kitchen counter). Thinking about […]

Weekly GMing – Rise of Tiamat and the Flying Ice Castle

Starting some weekly DMing tomorrow night with the regular Tuesday group. We completed Hoard of the Dragon Queen and are moving to Rise of Tiamat. First session will likely be leveling up characters, and getting reacquainted with characters. It’s been more than a couple months since we played and I need to get everyone back […]